
Phrase of the day: "[22:54] And she likes to be mentally challenged.." - Kit, speaking in third person and trying to say that she likes to be asked questions that make her think.

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Kit's Side Josh's side
July 12th, 2003 July 12th, 2003
The scanner died. It didn't go easy, as most do; but exploded with a mushroom-shaped cloud of error messages. Basically, that means no more Omam. Unless I get it fixxed. Which will take time, effort, and concentration. Meanwhile, there shall be some amusing creations that run along the lines of general storyline. here is one: On Gods. And here is how Omam originally began: as a root-off from Bleep. Not much from me, today. Kit just worked me to death with all of the new pages and uploads and stuff, so you better enjoy them.:-p
I accidently deleted the "people" page and wrote over it with one of Kit's poems, so that will take a while to fix. Because I am tired.:-p

*Wanders off to fix some the other stuff he screwed up*




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